Geothermal licencing

The exploration and production of minerals or geothermal energy in the Netherlands require a licence from the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (Mining Act, article 6). Under the Environmental Licensing Act it is also necessary to hold an environmental permit. This website only displays information about Mining Act licences, for more information on environmental permits visit this website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

No costs are associated with the issuing of an exploration licence or production license for geothermal energy. The Mining Act does provide for the option of linking a payment to geothermal production, but the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy does not make use of this option because policy is aimed at stimulating the use of geothermal energy (in the context of climate policy).

The interactive map shows an overview of all applied for and granted geothermal licences. Using the data center it is also possible to search for licences. Because the interactive map shows the areas as published in the Staatscourant, the overlap between competing applications is not visible. After all, a call for competing applications is only published for the area that is still open. In this file - to be loaded in Google Earth - the overlap between competing applications can be seen. This poster and list show the situation in geothermal licences as at January 1st  2020. Current changes in licences are presented in this list. A historic overview of licences can be found in the annual reports
The maps can also be downloaded as WMS service for ArcGIS or in KMZ format for Google Earth.

Overview Mining Act licences




Licence type




Geological Quick Scan






Apply for exploration licence






Detailed geological study
(apply for SDE+(+)/RNES)

Data collection
Optimize production
Apply for a production licence and production plan


Exploration licence






Production licence and production plan

Documents (all in Dutch):
- Handreiking Aanvragen opsporingsvergunning aardwarmte. (Guideline for the application of an exploration licence)
Specificaties geologisch onderzoek voor geothermieprojecten - Rapportagevereisten SDE+ en RNES (TNO 2017 R10498, april 2017). (Guideline for the application of SDE+ and RNES).
- Bepaling begrenzing winningsvergunning - Franse methode (Determining the borders of an production licence)
- Brief tijdelijk beleidskader 14 november 2019 m.b.t. tijdelijke winningsvergunning en -plan. (Temporary policy framework)
- Format tijdelijk winningsplan.(Format temporary production plan)

Publication of applications for exploration licences

The publications of applications for exploration licences can be viewed on the Dutch government’s website. Enter “geothermal energy” in the search window and opt for “In title only”.