
In order to start production of geothermal energy, a production licence is required and the production plan has to be approved. A production licence determines the area and the duration in which the licence holder has the exclusive right to extract geothermal energy. A production plan deals with the method and duration of the production of geothermal energy and is provided by the operator of the relevant production licence area. The production plan also states a forecast of the quantities of produced geothermal energy and the effects of the production.
To gain insight into the reservoir quality at the location of the individual wells and their translation into production behaviour, a well test must be carried out. TNO-AGE, in collaboration with RVO, has compiled a guideline for the implementation and interpretation of a well test (in Dutch). To get a better understanding of the connectivity of the reservoir between wells, an interference test can be performed.

Production data

When exploiting the subsurface, it is mandatory under the Mining Act that monthly production data is shared with the Dutch government. TNO collects and manages the production data on behalf of the State. More information and necessary forms can be found at data supply