SCAN 2D seismic data


Since 2018 TNO and EBN jointly carry out the multiyear research program Seismische Campagne Aardwarmte Nederland, in short SCAN. The results of the SCAN project allow a better estimation of where in the Dutch subsurface there is potential for geothermal heat production. The main projects of the SCAN program concern seismic data acquisition in the field with modern techniques and the re-processing of existing seismic data of the Dutch subsurface. In the acquisition and reprocessing of data  an emphasis is placed on areas with a low data density.  By combining and further study of the results obtained from these projects, the knowledge on our subsurface is further increased. More information on the SCAN program can be obtained via the website, whereas via the following NLOG-page all research data and final results of the different studies within SCAN are published.

Following the acquisition of new seismic data in the field, the resulting field data is processed into a seismic section. With regards to reprocessing of existing seismic data, old field data is checked and processed into a new seismic section using modern techniques. For lines for which the process is completed, both the final processed seismic section and the availability of the field data are published below. The following document gives an overview of the data that becomes available from all SCAN-projects. These seismic sections can be viewed in free viewers such as Seisee or SeismiGraphix. An overview of the ongoing and planned activities within the project can be found on

Newly Acquired Seismic Data


For the lines below acquired data is available from SCAN or from related activities (such as those for the Program on Ultradeep Geothermal Energy). The locations of the lines can be seen via the following webpage.


The final results of the newly acquired seismic data are the processed seismic sections with velocities and processing report. These can be downloaded from the table below. The field data for all lines listed in the table below can be requested by contacting the Servicedesk, unless it has been indicated that the field data is not yet available. TNO charges a service fee for the handling of the request and final delivery of the field data is via a file transfer service.

Number Line Toponym

Final results:
-Seismic sections
-Processing report

1 L2EBN2019ASCAN001 Testlijn Utrecht – Almere Seismic data &
Processing report
See Line 11 for a new version of Line 1
2 L2EBN2019ASCAN002 Roer Valley Graben-Nijmegen-Bronckhorst Seismic data,
Processing report
Additional, as test next to regular approach, PreSDM-processing: data, report.
3 L2EBN2019ASCAN003 Buurmalsen - Renkum Seismic data,
Processing report
4 L2EBN2019ASCAN004 Buurmalsen – Amersfoort - Zeewolde Seismic data,
Processing report
5 L2EBN2019ASCAN005 Gelderse Vallei Seismic data,
Processing report
6 L2EBN2020BURKM006 Heumen – Lingewaard Seismic data,
Processing report
7 L2EBN2020BURKM007 Overbetuwe – Berg en Dal Seismic data,
Processing report
8 L2EBN2020BURKM008 Neder-Betuwe – Renkum Seismic data,
Processing report
9 L2EBN2020BURKM009 Arnhem – Wijchen Seismic data,
Processing report
10 L2EBN2020BURKM010 Wageningen – Lingewaard Seismic data,
Processing report
11 L2EBN2020ASCAN011 Everdingen – Utrecht Seismic data-2,
Processing report
Data set is combined with Line 1
12 L2EBN2020ASCAN012 Eerbeek – Wesepe – Dalfsen Seismic data,
Processing report
13 L2EBN2020ASCAN013 Joppe – Haarle Seismic data,
Processing report
14 L2EBN2020ASCAN014 Epe – Wesepe – Haarle Seismic data,
Processing report
15 L2EBN2020ASCAN015 Apeldoorn – Joppe Seismic data,
Processing report
16 L2EBN2020ASCAN016 Nijmegen – Oploo – Grashoek Seismic data,
Processing report
17 L2EBN2020CUOBR017 Broekzijde – Keldonk – Oploo Seismic data,
Processing report-2
There is one final data set for the combined Line 17/18
18 L2EBN2020ASCAN018 Hilvarenbeek – Broekzijde
19 L2EBN2021ASCAN019 Reusel – Oploo – Hülm Seismic data,
Processing report
20 L2EBN2021ASCAN020 Cuijk – Venlo Seismic data,
Processing report-2
Data set is combined with Line 5.
21 L2EBN2020DUGOU021 Maarssen – Driebergen Seismic data,
Processing report-2
22 L2EBN2020DUGOU022 Utrecht – Woudenberg Seismic data,
Processing report-2
23 L2EBN2020ASCAN023 Jutphaas – Utrecht Seismic data,
Processing report
24 L2EBN2020ASCAN024 Utrecht-West – Amsterdam-Oost Seismic data,
Processing report
25 L2EBN2020ASCAN025 Boskoop – Waverveen – Almere Seismic data,
Processing report
26 L2EBN2020ASCAN026 Boskoop – Schiphol – Haarlem Seismic data,
Processing report
27 L2EBN2020ASCAN027 Haarlem – Oost Seismic data,
Processing report
28 L2EBN2020ASCAN028 Utrecht – Amersfoort Seismic data,
Processing report
29 L2EBN2020ASCAN029 Heeze – Californië Seismic data,
Processing report
30 L2EBN2021ASCAN030 Nederweert – Roermond Seismic data,
Processing report
31 L2EBN2021ASCAN031 Terziet – Raath – Californië Seismic data,
Processing report
32 L2EBN2021ASCAN032 Rijsbergen – Steelhoven Seismic data,
Processing report
33 L2EBN2021ASCAN033 Steelhoven – Waalwijk3D Seismic data,
Processing report
34 L2EBN2021ASCAN034 Woensdrecht – Steenbergen – Willemstad Seismic data,
Processing report
35 L2EBN2021ASCAN035 Almere – Lelystad – Zeewolde – Nagele Seismic data,
Processing report
36 L2EBN2021BMRA036 Schiphol – Diemen – Almere Seismic data,
Processing report
37 L2EBN2021BMRA037 Haarlem – Amsterdam Noord – Landsmeer Seismic data,
Processing report
38 L2EBN2021BMRA038 Hilversum – Blaricum Seismic data,
Processing report
39 L2EBN2021BMRA039 Laren – Almere Seismic data,
Processing report
40 L2EBN2021BMRA040 Waverveen – Amsterdam Zuid-Oost Seismic data,
Processing report
41 L2EBN2021BMRA041 Lelystad Zuid Seismic data,
Processing report
42 L2EBN2021ASCAN042 Nagele – Luttelgeest Seismic data,
Processing report
43 L2EBN2021ASCAN043 Gewande – Oss – Grave Seismic data,
Processing report
44 L2EBN2021ASCAN044 Ede – Wolfheze Seismic data,
Processing report
45 L2EBN2021ASCAN045 Woudenberg Seismic data,
Processing report
46 L2EBN2022ASCAN046 Deurne – Wellerlooi Seismic data,
Processing report
47 L2EBN2022ASCAN047 Deurne-1 Seismic data  
48 L2EBN2022ASCAN048 Deurne-2 Seismic data  
49 L2EBN2021ASCAN049 Oss-1 Seismic data  
50 L2EBN2022ASCAN050 Utrecht-1 Seismic data  
51 L2EBN2022ASCAN051 Utrecht-2 Seismic data  
52 L2EBN2022ASCAN052 Utrecht-3 Seismic data  
53 L2EBN2022ASCAN053 Utrecht-5 Seismic data  
54 L2EBN2022ASCAN054 Utrecht-7 Seismic data  

In addition to the data above the following data types can be requested from EBN via

a.    Pre-processed gathers prior to Pre-Stack Time Migration
b.    Raw Pre-Stack Time Migration gathers
c.    Final Pre-Stack Time Migration gathers

Acquisition Parameters

As part of the acquisition of new seismic data of the subsurface for SCAN, a test line of approx. 29 km between Utrecht and Almere has been recorded in 2019. With the Test Line is determined how to efficiently manage and perform the new acquisition. The test line partially overlaps with the NAM-DEEP line, this one of the few existing seismic lines with the specific purpose to acquire data of the deep subsurface. The aim of the SCAN test line was to gather data of at least a comparable quality. This goal has been achieved: the test line is of very good quality and the deep layers are visible.

In total, 1355 shots were registered with 5817 channels per shot and an offset ranging from 10 meters to 10’s of kilometers. Data was recorded by vertical single geophones spaced 5 meters apart with a 2 millisecond sample interval and a record length of 20 seconds (10001 samples per trace).

With the applied long offset 2D seismics it is expected that it is possible to look deeper in the subsurface compared to industry standard techniques.

Acquisition parameters Test Line

Seismic Design Split spread
Acquisition type All geophones laid out before shooting commenced
Maximum offset Up to 29 km 
Receiver station interval 5 m 
Receiver type Innoseis Tremornet 5 Hz geophone
Source type  Pulse
Source interval 20 m
Source depth 18 m
Sample rate 2 ms
Record length 20 seconds

On the basis of the test line results the acquisition parameters of the subsequent lines were selected:

Acquisition parameters of lines other than Test Line

Seismic Design Split spread
Acquisition type Roll-Along
Maximum offset 6997,5 m
Receiver station interval 5 m 
Receiver type (land) Geospace GCL 5 Hz Geophone 
Receiver type (shallow water crossings) Geospace Marshphones 5 Hz
Source type Pulse
Source interval 60 m
Source depth nominally 20 m or to consolidated layer
Sample rate 2 ms
Record length 10 seconds


Reprocessed Seismic Data

An up to date overview, maps and deliverables of the ongoing and completed SCAN work packages which focus on reprocessing of seismic data can be found via the SCAN programme webpage. The currently available reprocessed seismic data can be downloaded using the links in the section below.

Mobil   GTO-18-C004
24 Lines located in SCAN Area C have been reprocessed. The lines are part of five Mobil surveys from the 1980’s and cover a total length of 315 kilometers. The original data has been reprocessed and the resulting seismic sections are available for download in the table below.

NAM DEEP   GTO-19-C011
The NAM-DEEP lines are 2 long regional lines from the surveys L2NAM1982F and L2NAM1984N that acquired in a line from the NE to SE of the Netherlands and with a total length of 268 km. The original data has been reprocessed and the resulting seismic sections are available for download in the table below.

Mobil/NAM   GTO-19-C033-01
This package consists of 44 relatively short lines of 3 to 19 kilometers reprocessed data from seismic surveys from the area between Haarlem and Nijmegen with a total length of 412 kilometers. These lines originate from six seismic surveys from the 1980s conducted by Mobil, and from a 1974 NAM survey. The original data has been reprocessed and the resulting seismic sections are available for download in the table below.

Petroland   GTO-19-C033-02
This work package consists of 51 lines from seismic surveys acquired in the provinces of Utrecht, Flevoland and Gelderland. It comprises a total of approximately 774 kilometers of reprocessed data averaging at 15 kilometers per line. The lines are from seismic surveys conducted by Petroland in the 1980s. The original field data has been reprocessed and the resulting seismic sections are available below.

NAM Zeeland   GTO-19-C032-01
This work package includes lines from seismic surveys conducted by NAM in the 1970’s and 1980’s in the province of Zeeland (SCAN D) and the westernmost part of the province of Noord-Brabant (SCAN E west). This concerns a total of approximately 974 kilometers of reprocessed data, spread over 56 lines with an average line length of 17 km. The original data has been reprocessed and the resulting seismic sections are available for download in the table below.

Flevoland Waterland   GTO-19-C032-03
This work package contains lines from seismic surveys conducted by NAM in the 1970’s and 1980’s in the northern part of the province of Flevoland (SCAN A), including the Noordoostpolder (SCAN I), and the Waterland area northwest of Amsterdam (SCAN C). This involves a total of approximately 690 kilometers of reprocessed data, spread over 37 lines with an average line length of 19 km. The original data has been reprocessed and the resulting seismic sections are available for download in the table below.


Apart from the seismic data available for download in the table below. The field data has been checked and reconstructed during reprocessing and can be requested by contacting the Servicedesk.

Nr Survey/Area Work package Original survey Final results:
-Seismic sections
-Processing report
1 Mobil GTO-18-C004 L2MOB1984A

Seismic data & Processing report

2 NAM DEEP GTO-19-C011


Seismic data & Processing report

3 Mobil/NAM GTO-19-C033-01 L2MOB1984A

Seismic data & Processing report

4 Petroland GTO-19-C033-02 L2PET1980D
Seismic data & Processing report
5 NAM Zeeland GTO-19-C032-01 L2NAM1974B
Seismic data
6 Flevoland Waterland GTO-19-C032-03 L2AMC1972A
Seismic data