
Netherlands onshore

As national transmission system operator is Gas Transport Services B.V. (GTS) (wholly owned subsidiary of N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie) responsible for the management, the operation and the development of the national transmission grid on an economic basis. It ensures sufficient transport capacity, balances the grid and creates/maintains connections to other grids.
GTS also has public tasks related to the security of supply in extreme cold weather conditions and related to the small-fields policy (the extraction of natural gas from small fields).

For most recent version of the maps check Gastransport Services download page


Gas produced on the Netherlands part of the Continental shelf is transported ashore by privately owned parties. Onshore they connect to the national transmission grid of Gasunie/GTS. The majority of the gas offshore is transported by the following gas transport systems:

  • West Gas Trunk (WGT)
  • North Gas Trunk (NGT)
  • Northern Offshore Gas Trunk (NOGAT)