
The Greenhouse as Energy Source is an innovative action programme for the Dutch greenhouse horticulture industry, set up by the Horticulture Marketing Board, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Glaskracht Nederland. This programme has financed an extensive roadmap that is based on the experience of growers and advisers (Only available in Dutch).

Roadmap – Producing geothermal energy for horticulture 
Roadmap – Download PDF

Under the programme, the Geothermal Manual (Only available in Dutch) has been produced. 

Furthermore, State Supervision of Mines has drawn up a timetable (Only available in Dutch) to show the chronological sequence in the installation and exploitation of a geothermal doublet and is about to publish a presentation explaining the various steps:

1. Application for an exploration permit

  • Submission of an action plan
  • Geological quickscan


2. Exploration permit (before the drilling process)

  • Detailed geological research (determining the optimal location and the reservoir characteristics)
  • Interference with hydrocarbons?
  • Causes of seismicity and subsidence?
  • Feasibility study (financial)


3. Exploration permit (the drilling process)

  • Submission of drilling scheme
  • Setting up the drilling location
  • Drilling and testing the geothermal doublet
  • Submission of daily drilling reports, log data and well test data


4. Application for a production permit

  • Submission of application for a production permit and of a production plan


5. Production

6. Abandonment