Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping

Samenvatting / Begeleidende tekst

This paper presents depth maps for eight key horizons and seven thickness maps covering the onshore and offshore areas for the Late Permian to recent sedimentary section of the Netherlands. These maps, prepared in the context of a TNO regional mapping project, are supported by nine regional structural cross sections and a table summarizing the timing of tectonic activity from Carboniferous to recent. These new regional maps enable the delineation of various structural elements but also reveal the development of these elements through time with improved detail. Since the latest Carboniferous the tectonic setting of the Netherlands changed repeatedly. During successive tectonic phases several pre-existing structural elements were reactivated and new elements appeared. The various identified regional structural elements are grouped into six tectonically active periods: Late Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Late Jurassic, Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. This study demonstrates that many structural elements and fault systems were repeatedly reactivated and that a clear distinction exists between long-lived elements, such as the Roer Valley Graben, and short-lived structural elements, such as the Terschelling Basin.

Publicatie datum
Publicatie type
Wetenschappelijk paper
E. Duin
J. Doornenbal
R. Rijkers
Th. Wong
Uitgever(s) / Organisatie(s)
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
6.23 MB